Other helpers

Bulma documentation
b.ClearfixFix the element's floating children
b.PulledLeftMove the element to the left
b.PulledRightMove the element to the right
b.OverlayCompletely cover the first positioned parent
b.ClippedAdd overflow hidden
b.RadiuslessRemove any radius
b.ShadowlessRemove any shadow
b.UnselectablePrevent the text from being selectable
b.ClickableApply cursor: pointer !important to the element
b.RelativeApply position: relative to the element

Positioning helpers

These helpers are not documented in the Bulma documentation

b.PositionAbsoluteRemove the element from the document flow and position it relative to its closed positioned ancestor (absolute positioning)
b.PositionFixedRemove the element from the document flow and position it relative to the viewport (fixed positioning)
b.PositionRelativePosition the element according to the document flow and offset relative to itself (relative positioning)
b.PositionStaticPosition the element according to the document flow with no offset (static positioning)
b.PositionStickyPosition the element according to the document flow and offset relative to its nearest scrolling ancestor (sticky positioning)

Radius helpers

These helpers are not documented in the Bulma documentation

b.RadiusSmallApply a small radius to the element
b.RadiusNormalApply a normal radius to the element
b.RadiusLargeApply a large radius to the element
b.RadiusRoundedApply a rounded radius to the element