Other helpers
Modifier | Action |
b.Clearfix | Fix the element's floating children |
b.PulledLeft | Move the element to the left |
b.PulledRight | Move the element to the right |
b.Overlay | Completely cover the first positioned parent |
b.Clipped | Add overflow hidden |
b.Radiusless | Remove any radius |
b.Shadowless | Remove any shadow |
b.Unselectable | Prevent the text from being selectable |
b.Clickable | Apply cursor: pointer !important to the element |
b.Relative | Apply position: relative to the element |
Positioning helpers
These helpers are not documented in the Bulma documentation
Modifier | Action |
b.PositionAbsolute | Remove the element from the document flow and position it relative to its closed positioned ancestor (absolute positioning) |
b.PositionFixed | Remove the element from the document flow and position it relative to the viewport (fixed positioning) |
b.PositionRelative | Position the element according to the document flow and offset relative to itself (relative positioning) |
b.PositionStatic | Position the element according to the document flow with no offset (static positioning) |
b.PositionSticky | Position the element according to the document flow and offset relative to its nearest scrolling ancestor (sticky positioning) |
Radius helpers
These helpers are not documented in the Bulma documentation
Modifier | Action |
b.RadiusSmall | Apply a small radius to the element |
b.RadiusNormal | Apply a normal radius to the element |
b.RadiusLarge | Apply a large radius to the element |
b.RadiusRounded | Apply a rounded radius to the element |