The b.Breadcrumb
constructor creates a breadcrumb.
Modifier | Action |
b.Centered | Center the breadcrumb in its container |
b.Right | Align the breadcrumb to the right |
b.ArrowSeparator | Use an arrow (→ ) as the separator |
b.BulletSeparator | Use a bullet (• ) as the separator |
b.DotSeparator | Use a dot (· ) as the separator |
b.SucceedsSeparator | Use a "succeeds" character (≻ ) as the separator |
b.Small | Set size to small |
b.Medium | Set size to medium |
b.Large | Set size to large |
Child | Action |
b.OnUl(...any) | Apply children to the <ul> element |
b.OnNav(...any) | Apply children to the <nav> element |
e.Class , e.Classer , e.Classeser or e.Styles | Apply child to the <nav> element |
gomponents.Node of type gomponents.AttributeType | Apply child to the <nav> element |
gomponents.Node of type gomponents.ElementType | Apply child to the <ul> element |
Anything else | Apply child to the <ul> element |
The b.BreadcrumbEntry
constructor creates a breadcrumb entry (which is a regular <li>
The b.BreadcrumbAHref
constructor creates a breadcrumb link entry.
Modifier | Action |
b.Active | Apply the active style and add the aria-current="page" attribute |